西式点心 List of search results HOME Search by Category 西式点心 If you want to buy 食品/点心 at duty-free prices in Haneda Airport, we recommend you make an advance reservation online. You can receive it around the clock and easy to receive it. 絞り込み Search Popular products Recommended Newest Arrivals Price: Low to High Price: High to Low Keywords Brands Select by brand Calbee KYOTO VENETO Morozoff Mary Chocolate BeRNE N.Y.C.SAND 白色恋人 YOKU MOKU 东京牛奶奶酪工厂 Item Select by item 化妆品 皮肤护理 皮肤护理套装 男士皮肤护理 卸妆/洁面 化妆水 乳液/面霜 美容精华液/助推器/眼睛护理 面膜/深层护理 化妆品 眼影 眉 眼线液 美甲 粉 粉箱 粉底 工具(刷子/海绵/棉布) 腮紅 粉底/遮瑕笔 睫毛膏 化妆套装 口红 流光凝彩髙光液 体毛护理 Nail care 身体护理 头发护理 美容设备 美容设备 香水 Other 香水 Car Diffuser [香水]女士 [香水]男士 [香水]套装 酒类 Other 酒类 香槟酒 杜松子酒 伏特加 酒 威士忌 单一麦芽 波旁威士忌 白兰地 葡萄酒 烧酒 清酒 梅酒 其他酒类 Chinese sake 香烟 香烟 日本香烟 洋烟(香烟) 电子烟 洋烟(电子) 日本烟草(电子) 吸烟设备 洋电子烟(烟具) 日本烟草(吸烟设备) Other 香烟 Oral Tobacco 食品/点心 Other 食品/点心 fruit 日式点心 西式点心 保健品 佃煮 茶 服饰/杂货 Other 服饰/杂货 内衣 diffuser 手表&珠寶 Other 手表&珠寶 手表 珠宝 项链 戒指 手镯 耳环 手表 女士手錶 男士手表 Price ¥ ~ ¥ Show 10 Items 20 Items 40 Items 60 Items 100 Items size choose your size Shop Sort by shop 第3ターミナル:TIAT DUTY FREE CENTRAL 第3ターミナル:到着 第2ターミナル:予約品引渡しカウンター 第2ターミナル:到着 WACOAL ビジネスジェット New Arrivals Recommendations Duty-free limited product store sales only Sort by Popular products Recommended Newest Arrivals Price: Low to High Price: High to Low Including out of stock In stock Search 1 to 15 items (15 items in total) T2T3 YOKU MOKU Cigare 30根 ¥2,500 0077870037 No discountT3 白色恋人 SHIROI KOIBITO (white) 36 pieces in a can Flavors inside the langue de chat: 27 pieces white chocolate & 9 pieces black chocolate ¥3,200 0078620069 HotT3 N.Y.C.SAND N.Y.C.S.Haneda Airport limited assortment 20 pieces (10 N.Y. caramel sandwiches, 10 N.Y. wine caramel sandwiches) ¥4,400 0077770113 T3 KYOTO VENETO GRA-CHA 27pcs ¥2,450 0077740167 T3 东京牛奶奶酪工厂 Salt & Camembert cookies x 10 Honey & Gorgonzola cookies x 10 ¥2,400 0076020088 T2T3 BeRNE BeRNE Millefeuilles 14piece ¥1,750 0077100180 T2T3 YOKU MOKU Cigare -Japanese Scenery- 20 pieces ¥1,900 0077870094 T2T3 Mary Chocolate Fancy Chocolate ¥1,800 0077430021 T3 KYOTO VENETO GRA-CHA 18pcs ¥1,750 0078510102 T2T3 Calbee Jaga Pokkuru 18g x 10 bags ¥1,019 0078620019 T2T3 Morozoff Pokemon Nut Cookies160g ¥1,300 4607440005 T2T3 Morozoff Pokemon Nut Cookies240g ¥1,950 4607440006 No discountT3 白色恋人 SHIROI KOIBITO (white) 18 pieces Flavors inside the langue de chat: 18 pieces white chocolate ¥1,440 0078620066 No discountT3 白色恋人 SHIROI KOIBITO(White & Black) 24 pieces Flavors inside the langue de chat: 12 white chocolate & 12 black chocolate ¥1,920 0078620068 No discountT3 白色恋人 白色恋人(白色)24件 ¥1,920 0078620067 1 to 15 items (15 items in total) Added to favorites Removed from favorites View list Search by related category 日式点心 保健品 佃煮 茶 fruit