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Available date to order: 2025/2/23~2025/3/8

Terms of Membership

HANEDA Membership Terms of Use

In order to provide our customers with a service to help them enjoy Haneda Airport in greater comfort, convenience, and safety, we at Japan Airport Terminal Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “JAT”) provide customers with the HANDEA Membership Program to allow them to use JAT’s services more easily.

In accordance with the HANEDA Membership Terms of Use (hereinafter the “Terms of Use”) as set forth by JAT, customers may use the HANEDA Membership Services (hereinafter the “Membership Services”).

Article 1 (HANEDA Membership Services)

By registering for membership in accordance with these Terms of Use, customers may utilize the various Membership Services provided by JAT through an account they create at the time of registration. Please note that some Membership Services may require customers to register separately designated matters and agree to separate terms of use, among other requirements, in order to use them.

Article 2 (Membership Registration)

1.By accepting these Terms of Use, and completing the designated registration procedures, customers shall enter into an agreement with JAT comprised of the provisions of these Terms of Use, and customers shall be eligible as a HANEDA Member (hereinafter “Qualification for Membership”). Membership registration procedures are to be performed by the individual seeking to become a HANEDA Member. Customers who have acquired Qualification for Membership under this Article shall hereinafter be referred to as “Members.”

2.Customers shall accurately fill out the required items in the form designated for the registration procedure.

Article 3 (Management of IDs and Passwords)

Members shall manage their IDs and passwords for use of the Membership Services using due care so that other parties may not learn of them, and endeavor to regularly alter such IDs and passwords. Furthermore, Members shall not lend or transfer their IDs or passwords to other parties, nor provide them to be used by other parties.

Article 4 (Cancellation or Suspension of Use)

If any of the following items applies to a Member, JAT shall have the right to rescind the Member’s Qualification for Membership, and cancel or suspend said Member’s use of Membership Services without any prior notice or advice whatsoever.

(1)The Member breaches these Terms of Use, or the provisions of any other terms of use applicable to the Member in question

(2)The Member has registered false information with JAT

(3)Other situations where JAT determines that the Member is not suited to be a HANEDA Member

Article 5 (Changes to, Suspensions of, or Terminations of Membership Services)

1.When required by relevant authorities or for other reasons, JAT may change or add to all or a part of the substance of Membership Services without any prior notice to Members, or terminate provision of Membership Services to Members.

2.In the event the matters described in the preceding paragraph arise, JAT shall disseminate information thereof to Members using whatever methods may be appropriate in light of the effects of such changes, and the operational conditions of the Membership Services.

3.JAT may temporarily suspend all or part of the Membership Services without prior notice to Members in the event any of the following items apply:

(1)when performing regular or emergency maintenance or repairs of the system;

(2)when failures arise with respect to communication lines, computers, or other systems pertaining to the operation of Membership Services;

(3)when JAT needs to ensure the information security of JAT, Members, or third parties;

(4)when provision of Membership Services becomes difficult due to unforeseen accidents such as communication line outages, natural disasters, fires, or power outages, or various force majeure events, such as wars, disputes, riots, or labor disputes; or

(5)other circumstances where JAT reasonably determines that suspension of Membership Services is necessary in light of circumstances pertaining to each Membership Service.

4.JAT shall bear no liability whatsoever with respect to any damages suffered by Members or third parties as a result of any measures implemented in accordance with this Article.

Article 6 (Handling of Personal Information)

JAT shall handle any personal information belonging to Members acquired through the Membership Services in accordance with the following Privacy Policy set forth by JAT.

Citation: Public Announcement Matters Based on the “Act on the Protection of Personal Information”

Article 7 (Prohibited Matters)

In using Membership Services, Members shall not conduct any of the actions listed in the items below, or any actions that may potentially lead to the actions below.

(1)Violating laws or regulations, court judgments, decisions or orders, or government measures that are legally binding

(2)Harming public order or morality

(3)Providing benefits to antisocial forces, or other acts of cooperation with antisocial forces

(4)Infringing upon the rights, interests, and reputations, etc. of JAT, other Members, or other third parties

(5)Acquiring, or attempting to acquire, the IDs, passwords, or personal information of another Member without the consent of said Member

(6)Impersonating a third party, or intentionally sending false information

(7)Improperly collecting, disclosing, or providing the personal information of third parties, or other information that infringes on privacy of third parties

(8)Placing excess strain on JAT systems and networks, engaging in unauthorized access, using third-party accounts, creating or retaining multiple accounts, or other similar acts

(9)Breaching these Terms of Use, or any other terms of use applicable to the Member in question

(10)Any other acts JAT deems inappropriate

Article 8 (Elimination of Anti-social Forces)

If a Member is found to correspond to an anti-social force (organized crime group, company involved in an organized crime group, “sokaiya” racketeer, group engaging in criminal activities under the pretext of conducting social campaigns or political activities, and crime group specialized in intellectual crimes, the same applying hereinafter), or the circumstances described in any one of the following items apply to the Member, JAT shall immediately revoke the Qualification for Membership of said Member without notice of any kind.

(1)The Member is found to be affiliated with, or involved with an organization managed or controlled by an anti-social force

(2)The Member is found to have wrongfully utilized anti-social forces for the benefit of the Member personally or a third party, or to cause harm to a third party

(3)The Member is found to be involved with anti-social forces by providing them with funding or offering them other forms of convenience

(4)The Member is found to have, either themselves or through a third party, made violent demands, made wrongful demands that exceed the scope of legal responsibility, engaged in threatening behaviors, or engaged in violent acts

(5)Other situations equivalent to the preceding items are deemed to apply to the Member

Article 9 (Disclaimers)

1.JAT shall bear no liability whatsoever for any damages suffered by Members or any third parties as a result of inabilities to use the Membership Services stemming from any measures taken in accordance with Article 5 or communication conditions, any erroneous information registered by Members during their use of Membership Services and other related services, or Member data becoming lost due to failures of equipment or other similar phenomena. Neither shall JAT bear any liability whatsoever with respect to damages suffered by Members or third parties as a result of third-party use of Membership Services stemming from the negligence or intentional acts of Members.

2.JAT provides no warranties whatsoever that the information provided free of charge with respect to Membership Services is true, accurate, up-to-date, useful, reliable, legal, or free of infringements on the rights of third parties.

Article 10 (Liability of Members for Damages)

If JAT or any third party suffers damages as a result of the Member’s own personal use of the Membership Services, or any actions performed using the Membership Services (including situations where Members cause damages to JAT or third parties due to said Members’ failure to perform their obligations under these Terms of Use), said Members shall pay compensation for such damages of the Members’ own responsibility and expense.

Article 11 (Revisions to these Terms of Use)

JAT may revise these Terms of Use at any time, and set forth additional provisions and conditions to the Terms of Use. In such an event, JAT shall disseminate information regarding such changes to Members using whatever methods may be appropriate depending on the effects of such changes, and the operational conditions of the Membership Services.

Article 12 (Withdrawal from Membership)

If a Member seeks to withdraw from their membership, they may delete Member information using a designated form, and their withdrawal from membership shall be completed following the conclusion of the withdrawal procedures.

Article 13 (Governing Law and Dispute Resolution)

1.In the event of any problems that arise between JAT and Members with respect to these Terms of Use, both parties shall consult with each other to resolve such problems in good faith.

2.These Terms of Use shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of Japan, and the Tokyo District Court shall be the court of first instance with exclusive jurisdiction for any and all disputes that arise with respect to these Terms of Use.

Supplementary Provisions

These Terms of Use shall come into effect on June 27, 2022.

쇼핑 가이드

예약으로부터 수령까지의 과정


출발하시기 24시간 전까지 예약

출발하시기 24시간 전까지 예약

희망하시는 상품을 카트에 넣어 주십시오


지불 및 예약완료

지불 및 예약완료

카드 화면으로부터 주문수속을 진행하신 후 지불방법을 선택해 주십시오


상품이 준비된 후, 예약완료를 알리는 이메일이 도착합니다.

상품이 준비된 후,
예약완료를 알리는 이메일이 도착합니다.

재고확인후, 주문접수서비스 영업시간내(10:00~18:00)에 주문 내용 확인 메일이 도착합니다.
출발하시기 전에 주문내용 및 수령 장소를 반드시 확인해 주십시오.


출발 당일, 비행기에 탑승하시기 전에 상품을 수령해 주십시오.

출발 당일, 비행기에 탑승하시기 전에
상품을 수령해 주십시오.

출발 수속, 주문 내용 확인 메일에 기재된 점포로 방문해 주십시오. 수령하실 때에는 직원에게 본인의 성과 이름을 함께 말씀해 주십시오.
※상품은 출발 당일에만 수령하실 수 있습니다. 귀국 후나 택배 등의 배송은 불가하오니 주의해 주시기 바랍니다.

출발하시기 24시간 전까지 예약


출발하시기 24시간 전까지 예약

희망하시는 상품을 카트에 넣어 주십시오

지불 및 예약완료


지불 및 예약완료

카드 화면으로부터 주문수속을 진행하신 후 지불방법을 선택해 주십시오

상품이 준비된 후, 예약완료를 알리는 이메일이 도착합니다.


상품이 준비된 후, 예약완료를 알리는 이메일이 도착합니다.

재고확인후, 주문접수서비스 영업시간내(10:00~18:00)에 주문 내용 확인 메일이 도착합니다.
출발하시기 전에 주문내용 및 수령 장소를 반드시 확인해 주십시오.

출발 당일, 비행기에 탑승하시기 전에 상품을 수령해 주십시오.


출발 당일, 비행기에 탑승하시기 전에 상품을 수령해 주십시오.

출발 수속, 주문 내용 확인 메일에 기재된 점포로 방문해 주십시오. 수령하실 때에는 직원에게 본인의 성과 이름을 함께 말씀해 주십시오.
※상품은 출발 당일에만 수령하실 수 있습니다. 귀국 후나 택배 등의 배송은 불가하오니 주의해 주시기 바랍니다.

당 사이트에서 주문이 가능한 기간에 대해

출발일로부터 14일~24시간 이전까지 주문하실 수 있습니다.

지불 방법에 대해

사전결제 및 현지지불 중 하나를 선택하실 수 있습니다.

사전결제에 대해
사전결제에 대해서는 여기를 참조해 주십시오

현지지불에 대해
지불 시에는 현금, 신용카드, 전자화폐, QR코드, 바코드 결제 중 하나를 이용해 주십시오,은련 카드
현금: 일본 엔, 미국 달러, 유로


주문하실 때 필요한 정보

출발일 (인터넷에서의 주문은 출발일로부터 24시간 전까지 가능합니다)

이용하시는 항공사 및 편명

출발하시는 분의 성명 (기본적으로는 해외여행을 하시는 본인만이 이용하실 수 있습니다만, 가족이나 친구 중 한 분을 통해서 구입하시는 것도 가능합니다)

주문내용의 추가/변경/취소에 대해

출발하시기 2일 전까지는 마이페이지를 통해 주문을 취소하실 수 있습니다. (전 상품 취소만 가능합니다)
상품을 변경하실 때에는 일단 주문 전체 취소를 하신 다음 새로이 주문해 주십시오.
※사전지불을 완료하신 분의 경우 사이트 내에서 스스로 주문을 취소하실 수 없으므로, 전화나 이메일로 연락해 주시길 부탁드립니다.

주문내용의 추가/변경/취소에 대해

상품 수령 시 필요한 정보

14자릿수의 주문번호 혹은 수령인 성명을 직원에게 알려주십시오.

※2개 이상의 주문번호를 가지고 계신 경우에는 주민번호의 전체 갯수를 직원에게 알려주십시오.

※주문번호는 주문 접수 메일, 주문 내용 확인 메일, 당 사이트의 마이페이지에서 확인하실 수 있습니다.

※원활한 상품 수령을 위해, 신청하신 분 이외의 분이 상품을 수령하실 때에는 신청하신 분으로부터 주문 내용 확인 메일을 전송해 받으시거나, 주문 정보를 확인할 수 있는 페이지를 프린트하신 후 당일 실제 수령하실 분께 전달해 주십시오.

액체류 면세품의 기내 반입 제한에 대해

액체류 면세품의 기내 반입 제한에 대해서는 이곳을 확인해 주십시오.