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Items 20 Items 40 Items 60 Items 100 Items size choose your size New Arrivals Recommendations Duty-free limited product store sales only Sort by Popular products Recommended Newest Arrivals Price: Low to High Price: High to Low Including out of stock In stock Search 1 to 84 items (84 items in total) Prepaid is not available 万宝路 MARLBORO ICE BLAST MEGA 5 BOX Tar:5mg Nicotine:0.3mg Duty free price ¥4,370 Reference domestic price ¥6,000 5312040138 Prepaid is not available 万宝路 萬寶路 中焦油 (硬盒) 焦油:8毫克 尼古丁:0.7毫克 Duty free price ¥4,270 Reference domestic price ¥6,000 5312040007 Duty-free limited Prepaid is not available 万宝路 MARLBORO FUSION BLAST 5 KS BOX Tar:5mg Nicotine:0.4mg ¥4,370 5312040107 Prepaid is not available 万宝路 MARLBORO WBURST 5 BOX Tar:5mg Nitotine:0.4mg Duty free price ¥4,370 Reference domestic price ¥6,000 5312040088 Duty-free limited Prepaid is not available 万宝路 MARLBORO VISTA BLOSSM FUSION Tar:5mg Nicotine:0.4mg ¥4,370 5312040166 Prepaid is not available 万宝路 Marlboro WFUSION SUMMER BOX 1carton(10 packs) 200pieces ¥4,370 5312040150 Prepaid is not available 万宝路 MARLBORO WBURST PURPLE 5 BOX Tar:5mg Nicotine:0.4mg Duty free price ¥4,370 Reference domestic price ¥6,000 5312040119 Prepaid is not available LUCKY STRIKE LUCKY STRIKE FK 200 sticks ¥4,200 5312010032 Prepaid is not available 健牌 KENT S-SERIES SPARK 5 100S BOX 200 sticks ¥3,600 5312010175 Prepaid is not available 万宝路 Marlboro DRY MENTHOL 5 BOX Tar:5mg Nicotine:0.4mg Duty free price ¥4,370 Reference domestic price ¥6,000 5312040136 Prepaid is not available 万宝路 MARLBORO VISTA TROPICAL SPLASH KS BOX Tar 5mg, Nicotine 0.4mg ¥4,370 5312040160 Prepaid is not available 万宝路 万宝路黑薄荷8mg 焦油:8毫克 尼古丁:0.6毫克 Duty free price ¥4,270 Reference domestic price ¥6,000 5312040141 Prepaid is not available 万宝路 萬寶路 (硬盒) 焦油:12毫克 尼古丁:1毫克 Duty free price ¥4,270 Reference domestic price ¥6,000 5312040005 Duty-free limited Prepaid is not available 万宝路 萬寶路金萬2條特惠裝 Tar:6mg Nicotine:0.5mg ¥7,740 5312040097 Prepaid is not available 健牌 KENT S-SERIES SPARK 1 100S BOX 200 sticks ¥3,600 5312010174 Prepaid is not available 健牌 KENT S-SERIES SPARK MINT 1 100S BOX 200 sticks ¥3,600 5312010194 Prepaid is not available 中国香烟 中華 BOX Tar:11mg Nicotine:1.0mg ¥7,500 5312050002 Prepaid is not available 万宝路 萬寶路綠薄荷12mg 焦油:8毫克 尼古丁:0.6毫克 Duty free price ¥4,270 Reference domestic price ¥6,000 5312040002 Prepaid is not available PARLIAMENT PARLIAMENT NIGHT BLUE 100 BOX 9mg Tar:9mg Nicotine:0.7mg Duty free price ¥4,340 Reference domestic price ¥6,200 5312040099 Prepaid is not available 万宝路 萬寶路淡烟(Ultra Lights)薄荷 KING SIZE (硬盒) 焦油:4毫克 尼古丁:0.3毫克 Duty free price ¥4,270 Reference domestic price ¥6,000 5312040041 Prepaid is not available 中国香烟 PANDA 5PACKS Tar:11mg Nicotine:1.1mg ¥5,800 5312020001 Prepaid is not available 健牌 KENT S-SERIES 1 100S BOX 200 sticks ¥3,600 5312010155 Prepaid is not available KOOL KOOL FK BOX 200 sticks ¥4,100 5312010018 Prepaid is not available PARLIAMENT PARLIAMENT AQUA BLUE 100 BOX 6mg Tar:6mg Nicotine:0.5mg Duty free price ¥4,340 Reference domestic price ¥6,200 5312040100 Prepaid is not available 万宝路 萬寶路 (軟盒) 焦油:12毫克 尼古丁:0.9毫克 Duty free price ¥4,270 Reference domestic price ¥6,000 5312040009 Prepaid is not available DAVIDOFF Davidoff Magnum 1cartons(20sticks)Tar:10mg Nicotine:0.8mg ¥6,440 5312070022 Prepaid is not available 中国香烟 CHUNGHWA SOFT PACK Tar:11mg Nicotine:1.0mg ¥12,500 5312050036 Prepaid is not available STATE EXPRESS STATE EXPRESS ORIGINAL 200 sticks ¥3,600 5312010144 Prepaid is not available 健牌 健牌 1(硬盒) 200 sticks ¥3,600 5312010011 Prepaid is not available ESSE ESSE DOUBLE SHOT Tar:4mg Nicotine:0.4mg ¥4,100 5312080019 Prepaid is not available 中国香烟 HUANGHELOU 1916 TAR:8mg NICOTINE:0.8mg ¥17,000 5312130019 Prepaid is not available KOOL KOOL薄荷淡煙(硬盒) 200 sticks ¥4,100 5312010019 Prepaid is not available LUCKY STRIKE Lucky Strike Black Series Chillberry 8 Tar: 8mg Nicotine:0.6mg 200 sticks ¥3,300 5312010261 Duty-free limited Prepaid is not available 万宝路 萬寶路白薄荷2條特惠裝8mg 焦油:8毫克 尼古丁:0.6毫克 ¥7,740 5312040058 Duty-free limited Prepaid is not available DUNHILL DUNHILL FINE CUT SUPER SLIM 1mg 200 sticks ¥3,600 5312010183 Prepaid is not available ESSE ESSE SOO 0.1 Tar:0.1mg Nicotine:0.01mg ¥3,970 5312080015 Prepaid is not available LARK LARK MILD KS BOX Tar:9㎎ Nicotine:0.7㎎ Duty free price ¥3,780 Reference domestic price ¥5,400 5312040126 Prepaid is not available LUCKY STRIKE Lucky Strike Expert Cut 14 Tar: 14mg Nicotine:1.2mg 200 sticks ¥3,300 5312010260 Prepaid is not available 万宝路 萬寶路金萬 Tar:6mg Nicotine:0.5mg Duty free price ¥4,270 Reference domestic price ¥6,000 5312040098 Prepaid is not available DUNHILL DUNHILL WHITE 1mg 200 sticks ¥3,600 5312010038 Prepaid is not available ESSE ESSE HIMALAYA Tar:1mg Nicotine:0.1mg ¥3,970 5312080027 Prepaid is not available 健牌 KENT S-SERIES SPARK MELLOW 1 100S BOX 200 sticks ¥3,600 5312010208 Prepaid is not available KOOL KOOL BOOST FRESH 5 BOX 200 sticks ¥4,100 5312010062 Prepaid is not available KOOL KOOL BOOST FRESH 8 BOX(硬盒) 200 sticks ¥4,100 5312010055 Prepaid is not available LARK LARK KS BOX Tar:12㎎ Nitotine:1.0㎎ Duty free price ¥3,780 Reference domestic price ¥5,400 5312040125 Prepaid is not available LUCKY STRIKE Lucky Strike Expert Cut 6 Tar: 6mg Nicotine:0.5mg 200 sticks ¥3,300 5312010258 Prepaid is not available 中国香烟 NANJING Cyan superslims BOX ¥3,200 5312130038 Prepaid is not available PARLIAMENT PARLIAMENT PLATINUM BLUE 100 BOX 1mg Tar:1mg Nicotine:0.1mg Duty free price ¥4,340 Reference domestic price ¥6,200 5312040101 Prepaid is not available OTHER BRAND THE KING ORIGINAL SILVER ¥2,100 5312130034 Prepaid is not available STATE EXPRESS 555 金牌 200 sticks ¥3,600 5312010017 Prepaid is not available CAMEL CAMEL LIGHTS BOX ※泰國,新加坡,台灣,澳洲,印度海關禁止攜帶電子香煙。 ¥3,100 5302030433 Prepaid is not available CAMEL CAMEL LIGHTS MENTHOL BOX 5 ※泰國,新加坡,台灣,澳洲,印度海關禁止攜帶電子香煙。 ¥3,100 5302030434 Prepaid is not available 中国香烟 Chunghwa Golden Slim 10packs/unit ¥18,000 5312050085 Prepaid is not available DAVIDOFF Davidoff Classic 1cartons(20sticks)Tar:10mg Nicotine:0.9mg ¥3,900 5312070003 Prepaid is not available DAVIDOFF Davidoff Gold 1cartons(20sticks)Tar:7mg Nicotine:0.6mg ¥3,900 5312070023 Prepaid is not available DAVIDOFF Davidoff Gold Slim 1cartons(20sticks)Tar:7mg Nicotine:0.6mg ¥3,900 5312050060 Prepaid is not available DAVIDOFF Davidoff White Slim 1cartons(20sticks)Tar:1mg Nicotine:0.1mg ¥3,900 5312070024 Prepaid is not available DUNHILL DUNHILL BLUE 6mg 200 sticks ¥3,600 5312010036 Duty-free limited Prepaid is not available DUNHILL DUNHILL CHAMPAGNE 3mg 200 sticks ¥3,600 5312010182 Prepaid is not available ESSE ESSE BLUE Tar:4.5mg Nicotine:0.45mg ¥3,970 5312080011 Prepaid is not available ESSE ESSE CHANGE Tar:1mg Nicotine:0.1mg ¥3,970 5312080016 Prepaid is not available ESSE ESSE SOO 1.0 Tar:1mg Nicotine:0.1mg ¥3,970 5312080008 Prepaid is not available ESSE ESSE SPECIAL GOLD 1mg Tar:1mg Nicotine:0.1mg ¥4,100 5312080028 Prepaid is not available ESSE ESSE SPECIAL GOLD 3.5mg Tar:3.5mg Nicotine:0.4mg ¥4,100 5312080009 Prepaid is not available 中国香烟 Huanghelou 1916 15years 5packs/unit ¥11,000 5312050087 Prepaid is not available 中国香烟 HUANGHELOU SOFT BLUE タール:11mg ニコチン:1.1mg ¥3,300 5312050086 Prepaid is not available 中国香烟 Huanghelou Yellow Crane Tower 10packs/unit ¥2,900 5312050088 Prepaid is not available 健牌 KENT S-SERIES MENTHOL 1 100S BOX 200 sticks ¥3,600 5312010154 Prepaid is not available 健牌 KENT S-SERIES SPARK MINT 5 100S BOX 200 sticks ¥3,600 5312010198 Prepaid is not available KOOL KOOL LIGHTS BOX 200 sticks ¥4,100 5312010033 Prepaid is not available 中国香烟 LIQUN Silver BOX ¥2,900 5312130039 Duty-free limited Prepaid is not available LUCKY STRIKE LUCKY STRIKE CLICK 4 MIX Tar: 9mg Nicotine:0.7mg 200 sticks ¥4,200 5312010277 Prepaid is not available LUCKY STRIKE Lucky Strike Expert Cut 10 Tar: 10mg Nicotine:0.9mg ¥3,300 5312010259 Duty-free limited Prepaid is not available 万宝路 MARLBORO FUSION BLAST 8 KS BOX Tar:8mg Nicotine:0.7mg ¥4,370 5312040106 Prepaid is not available 万宝路 MARLBORO ICE BLAST MEGA 1 BOX Tar:1mg Nicotine:0.1mg Duty free price ¥4,370 Reference domestic price ¥6,000 5312040139 Duty-free limited Prepaid is not available 万宝路 MARLBORO WBURST AMBER 5 BOX Tar:5mg Nicotine:0.4mg ¥4,370 5312040118 Duty-free limited Prepaid is not available STATE EXPRESS STATE EXPRESS 555 DELUXE Tar:7㎎ Nicotine:0.7㎎ ¥4,500 5312010215 Prepaid is not available OTHER BRAND THE KING ORIGINAL MENTHOL ¥2,100 5312130035 Prepaid is not available OTHER BRAND THE KING ORIGINAL RED ¥2,100 5312130033 Prepaid is not available 中国香烟 雲煙 YUN YANG SPECIAL SOFTPACK Tar:11mg Nicotine:1.1mg ¥4,400 5312130004 Prepaid is not available 健牌 健牌 ULTRA1 100s(硬盒) 200 sticks ¥3,600 5312010012 Prepaid is not available LUCKY STRIKE 幸運(硬盒) 200 sticks ¥4,200 5312010020 Duty-free limited Prepaid is not available DUNHILL 登喜路(有過濾嘴)(硬盒) 200 sticks ¥3,600 5312010035 Prepaid is not available 万宝路 萬寶路 薄荷 (硬盒) 焦油:12毫克 尼古丁:0.9毫克 Duty free price ¥4,270 Reference domestic price ¥6,000 5312040001 1 to 84 items (84 items in total) Added to favorites Removed from favorites View list Search by related category 日本香煙 洋菸(電子) 日本煙草(電子) 洋菸(雪茄) 洋電子煙(煙具) 日本煙草(吸煙設備) Oral Tobacco